
Workshop with Zaza Hassan

An extraordinary event: Zaza Hassan international icon of classical Egyptian dance presents the music of Riad El Sombaty, famous composer and musician, legend of Egyptian music. An intensive program that includes the celebrations for the Maestro's birthday, to which it will be possible to participate with an exhibition. SATURDAY 22nd FEBRUARY 2020: 4-5 pm Conference on the music of Riad Mohamed El Sombaty by Zaza Hassan, presents Najma Asani; 5 pm Break with Arabic tea; 6-8 pm  Seminar with Zaza Hassan technique; 9:30 pm Dinner and show in honor of the master Zaza Hassan, you can participate with a short performance (max 3 minutes). SUNDAY FEBRUARY 23rd, 2020: 10:30-13 Choreography on the music of Riad El Sombaty in Zaza style; 1-2 pm Break; 2- 4:30 pm Choreography and delivery of certificates. For participation in the seminars and / or dinner show on February 22nd write to info@danzaorientale.com or contact 0039 347 2949398.